Category Archives: Earrings

Earrings (jewelry) and Their Types

Earrings are pieces of the jewelry which are attached to the ears through a piercing in the earlobe. For the earring component it may be made from a number of materials which includes; metal, glass, plastics, beads, bones and many others. Designs ranges from loops to many kind of a bit complicated forms. Most of the earring sizes are limited by the earlobe capability to carry and the way it can be fixed.

There are different types of the earrings which includes the modern standard pierced earrings. Example of these modern standard pierced earring are; stud earrings in which the appearance of floating on the ear or the earlobe without not being able to see from the front the point of connection. There is also the hoop earrings in which they are circular or semicircular in their design. Also they mostly look similar to a ring. Also there are the dangle earrings which are mostly designed to flow from the bottoms of the earlobe.

Huggy earrings which tends to be hugs at someone earlobe and hence buggy and they are very common and popular. The slave earrings are also another type of the earrings which are also called Bajoran earring. There are many other examples of different type of the earrings which one can find in different sites and references.

The Silver Jewelry

This has been used for a long time and it is worn by both men and women. The creation of silver jewelry started in the past and due to this it has been possible for many people to use to make different things such as rings, necklaces and bracelets.

The pure silver is very soft and it can be damaged easily hence when being used the silver must be mixed with other metals so as to help in improving its durability when making jewelry. The silver to be used is usually mixed with copper and the levels of purity must be checked in order to have the best mixture which will give out the best and strong metal. When making silver jewelry, it is advisable that one should check the quality of the silver so as to be able to determine the purity level.

There are different types of silver jewelry which are available and their difference is usually brought about by the level of purity in them. Some of the most common silver jewelry include: the fine silver which has a purity level of 99% hence referred to as pure silver, the sterling plate which is a mixture of silver and copper. The nickel silver which is an alloy of copper and nickel and zinc metal with no silver contained in it, the silver plate which is place on the base of metals as fine silver.

Emerald Jewelry and Its Uses

This type of jewelry is very famous and also creates fascination hence being demanded by many women and men. This emerald jewelry comes in different colors ranging from yellow-green to blue green, and also green. The best and most valuable emerald is the grass green which has a blue hint though it might have other shades in it. The value of this jewelry is highly affect by the brightness and the intensity of the color that they it has. The emeralds value increases with the increase in size and most of them are filled with oil so as to help in filling the fractures which are internal with it.

The emeralds jewelry has two main lab-grown emeralds which are the Gilson and the Chatham which makes it very expensive especially the Chatham. These lab-grown are cheaper than the natural emeralds which has the same quality with them. These emeralds are common in making rings or earrings which are not very big in size. Most of the natural color variations complement each other and makes the emeralds most available in different models.

These emeralds can also be used together in striking necklaces, bracelets and also pendants. The emerald jewelry should not be cleaned with ultrasonic cleaner so as to avoid flaws in the jewelry

Types of Jewellery

There are different types of jewelleries that are available for sale so as to be worn. Most of these are known to many people hence they have high demands and are readily available for use. These jewelries include: the brooch jewellery that is worn to fasten the clothes and it has a pin that is used to enhance the fastening. His anklet which is worn around the ankle and it is visible.

The circlet which is a circle of gold, jewels, or silver and it is worn on the head for the purposes of decoration. The band is a ring that is worn on the finger and it is especially used as a wedding ring. The choker is a piece of cloth or jewelry which fits the neck tightly and it can also be worn for decoration purposes. The locket jewellery consists of case which is worn around the neck together with a chain, the nose ring which is a piece of jewelry that is worn through the nose.

There is also the ring that is worn on a finger; the necklace is worn on round the neck. There is the wedding ring that is used in weddings in most countries and it is usually worn on the left hand for those who have wedded. These jewelries are available in shops and in various designs.

The Sparkle That Shines in Your Eyes

Have you ever seen a little girl play with her toys? Or not even toys, but a piece of fabric or ribbon? Anything she finds in her mother’s purse during a boring tea party? The round metal of the key ring will go directly on her tiny little finger. The shiny, colorful ribbon will wrap around her capable wrist the best way she knows how. She will enjoy the sparks bouncing off the lights and enjoy carrying those little accessories she has made herself.

Jewelry has always been enjoyable for women. Not talking about the tribe traditions they enforce over women, of course. But the beautiful shiny rings, earrings, necklaces, bangles, bracelets, piercings that come in all sorts of colors made with gold, silver, copper, adorned with precious or semi-precious stones.

Or the wooden or acrylic ones of late. No matter their shape or form, a woman will enjoy a new necklace or earring, a bracelet or ring. The common sense is to carry only 3 pieces at any given moment, but there are always exceptions, and in this case the the-more-the-merrier crew is often preferred, and with good reason.

Why limit yourself to only three when the whole store is yours?

Tips for Wearing Jewelry Fashionably

All women love their jewelry but we all know that sometimes we could go wrong with the mixing or the pairing with the right outfit. Wearing jewelry not only adds the oomph but also enhances your ensemble.
Let’s see how to wear jewelry fashionably.

o Let your jewelry show your spirit
Show off your spirit with your jewelry. Some prefer chunky jewelry while other women prefer small studs and keep it simple. Whatever your choice, make sure you show off your infectious spirit and make a statement.
o Louder clothes, softer jewelry
If your clothes have a lot of talking to do, keep your jewelry soft and simple. In other words, loud designs on your outfit call for simple and small jewelry.
o Keep one thing loud
Always remember to not fill yourself up with the jewelry making one feel like you are carrying your entire wardrobe on you. If you choose to layer up your bracelets, remember to take it easy on your neck piece and earrings.
o Lose the rest with Wide choker or bib

If you are wearing a choker or a bib, then let go off the other jewelry. A good neck piece deserves sole attention.